Waves for everyone from east to south.
素晴らしい波を探し求め、日々「旅」を続ける全ての人たちへ ー。
『1975 Surfboards』は、世界中をサーフトリップし培った経験とリレーションシップを元に、コンテスト向けから楽しくサーフィン出来るボードまで、幅広いラインナップと最高のクオリティーで展開する、日本発「旅」から生まれたサーフボードブランドです。
Two surfers arrive at Uluwatu after a long trip.
The footage they shot there transformed the previously uninhabited Indonesian waves into a dream spot for surfers all over the world.
This is for all those who continue to travel every day in search of amazing waves.
1975 Surfboards is a surfboard brand born from "trip", originating in Japan, that offers a wide lineup of the highest quality, from contest-ready boards to fun surfing boards, based on the experience and relationships cultivated on surf trips around the world.